Corel Snapfire was a great alternative software for digital camera users. This Corel application offered various features like automatic downloads, quick photo fixes, straightforward organization, different sharing options, and various creative project templates. Its simplistic user interface enabled users to create impressive photo projects and slideshows with ease. The last version of Corel Snapfire was released in 2007 and afterwards it was included in Corel MediaOne. If you are looking for Snapfire, you can find all of its features in the latest PaintShop Pro (PSP). The premium features of PSP will help you to take your digital photography to a whole new level.
Learn new skills and find creative inspiration from Corel's Discovery Center. Find photography tips, tricks and tutorials.
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Video tutorials introduce you to key features in PaintShop Pro so you can master the application quickly.
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Learn from the Pros, talented photo and design enthusiasts who have excellent PaintShop Pro skills and a willingness to help others improve their skills.
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Check out our official blog to stay informed about the photo editing software you love. You'll find how-to articles, profiles and interviews with community members, development updates and more.
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In-depth written tutorials help you understand key photo editing concepts in and out of PaintShop Pro.
Get all of the old features you loved about Snapfire and a whole lot more when you upgrade to the latest version of PaintShop Pro.